
Some Operational Aspects of BRR’s Management System with respect
to the Code of Conduct
S. Tozsér, F. Gajdos, K. Késmárky, G. Tóth
MTA KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute (AEKI), Budapest, Hungary

The Code of Conduct (CoC) provides a basis for the self-assessment of all aspects of management practice. In line with this idea the evaluation of the BRR's (Budapest Research Reactor) past 15-year management practice with respect to the CoC has resulted in good feedback, which has supported the applied practices and also highlighted deficiencies or weaknesses. The period of self-assessment was an obvious choice as it encompasses the time since the full-scale reconstruction of the reactor (which was completed in 1992); that, more over, represents a sufficient amount of time for drawing useful conclusions, summarising the experiences, and showing trends. In this paper, from the perspective of operation organization, some aspects of management practice are highlighted. These include: operation and utilization issues; conformity and safety reviews; and safety culture focusing on human factors. The paper also highlights how this management practice relates to and supports nuclear safety and demonstrates this safety to the public. It is hoped that the highlighted aspects of management system described here may serve as a general methodology for the RR community.

Full Paper (pdf)